Lawrence County Commissioners approve subdivision in Stonecrest Golf Community

BEDFORD – The Lawrence County Commissioners this morning approved Travis Norman of SWS Development, plat plans, for a subdivision in Stonecrest Golf Community.

Norman said Lawrence County should see a lot of development in the northern part of the county.

Travis Norman

“Many Monroe County developers are moving into Lawrence County to develop properties,” he added. “This county is just so much easier to work with.”

The area will be subdivided into 33 lots and have 1,000 lineal feet of paved roads with a cul-de-sac.

Norman will keep the commissioners apprised of the progress.

Karen Johnson approached the commissioners on drafting an ordinance about the use of tannerite explosions.

She told the commissioners lately a neighbor was setting off tannerite which caused her house to shake and damage to neighboring property.

According to, tannerite is a binary explosive that consists of two components and is often used for target practice.

Currently the county has no regulations against the use of tannerite. The commissioners stated they would look further into the issue.

The Lawrence County Commissioners voted to quitclaim 8/10ths of an acre of land along 22nd to 24th streets to the City of Bedford. The City of Bedford will then deed that land to Duke Energy to help power a portion of the City of Bedford.

The land is part of the old Monon railroad that is no longer in use.

The county does not receive tax money for this land and it will not cost the county anything to deed it to the City of Bedford.

Highway Superintendent David Holmes updated the commissioners on bridge projects and preparing for the paving season.

Highway crews are patching pot holes, working on culverts, pipes and ditching to prepare the roads for the paving process.

David Holmes

Work continues on bridge 172 on Cement Plant/Slaughterhouse Road. The bridge is a federal aid project. The total cost to replace the bridge is estimated at $1.6 million. The county received three letters of interest from companies wanting to do the project. Those letters were taken under advisement.

Work continues on the Bridge 150 on Mill Creek Road. Crews were scheduled to begin geotech drilling this week, however, crews failed to report on site to execute the drilling.

“But that didn’t happen,” Holmes added. “Possibly next week. I am waiting to hear from them.”

Work will begin on bridges 62 on Stonington Road and 124 on Huron Williams Road Wednesday.

The commissioners also adopted an ordinance to change the requirements for asphalt on county roads. The base will move from 2 inches to 3 1/2 inches and the surface layer will move from 1 inch to 1 1/2 inches.

Sheriff Mike Branham

“We were high last night at 161, this morning we are at 167,” said Sheriff Branham. “The Department of Correction is consistently taking a few every week or so but we are still seeing high numbers.”

Sheriff Mike Branham reported the number of inmates being held at the jail are climbing. Sheriff Branham reported there were 167 inmates in the Lawrence County Jail this morning. Of those 135 were males, 32 females, one Level 6 felon, seven Department of Correction holds and one parole hold.

The department purchased 17 AED’s for their marked patrol cars, an AED is a medical device that can analyze the heart’s rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electrical shock, or defibrillation, to help the heart re-establish an effective rhythm.

“Now every one will have one when needed, before we would have to move them from one vehicle to another when a deputy was going on or off shift,” Sheriff Branham add. “Now there is one in every vehicle and available when needed.”

Lawrence County deputies plan to assist the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department in answering calls in the Southern part of Monroe County, after a two-vehicle accident Monday afternoon, claimed the life of Monroe County Sheriff’s Department Deputy James Driver. Deputy Driver was responding to a call when the accident happened.

“I have reached out to their department and offered any assistant at this time of need,” said Sheriff Branham.

The Lawrence County Council approved an appropriation of $120,250 following the purchase of six message boards.

Valerie Luchauer

Emergency Management Director Valerie Luchauer reported six message board signs were purchased with an Indiana Finance Grant, no taxpayer money was used. Each sign is valued at $20,000 landing the total sum to equate to $120,000.00 plus tax.

The signs, which will be placed throughout the county, can be used as a radar to clock a vehicle’s speed and other multiple uses. These signs can also be programmed remotely. Six employees have been trained on how to program the signs.

Luchauer will continue to monitor spring weather and alert the public of any approaching danger.