(ORLEANS) – The Orleans Town Hall remains open to the public and those having business with the Clerk’s office at this time.
Town Clerk Robert Henderson said the overall health and well-being of both the office staff and citizens alike remains a top priority during this time. Henderson said his office continues to follow all the CDC guidelines and safety recommendations.
Those who are sick are urged to refrain from coming into the building and use the convenient curbside drop box outside.
And while the office is still open, those who wish may continue to pay their water bills via mail, phone, on-line, or the drop box outside drop box (NO CASH PAYMENTS).
Those residents having utility related questions or need additional information are asked to contact the town offices during regular hours of operation M-F at 812 865 2539; via email at orleanstownhall@netsurfusa.net or visit the town at www.town.orleans.in.us