(BEDFORD) – The Bedford Board of Works approved the sale of personal property such as desks, file cabinets, and other items to be sold by auction in August from the Bedford Development Center.
The Board of Works approved a contract with Kinser Auction to conduct the auction at a rate of 50/50 for the first $8,000 worth of property auctioned off and 10 percent over $8,000. The sale does not include 40 desks and chairs that the Board of Works approved to donate to the Boys & Girls Club.
In other business:
- Accepted the retirement of Brian Cartwright after serving 20-years with the Bedford Police Department
- Moved Bedford Firefighter Joseph Chastain to full-time permanent status after his year long probationary period ended.
- COVID-19 policy approved for employees to be tested, and assistance during diagnosis of COVID-19.
- Tabled a request for change order from King’s Trucking and Excavating on the Lincoln Avenue stormwater project.
- The Certificate of Completion on the Lincoln Avenue Storm Water Project was approved.
- Bedford Street Commissioner David Flinn request to approve a bid for a patcher for $25,000 was approved and the sale of a tank was tabled.
- The study of General Motors attaching to the city sewer system was approved. Lochmueller Group Agreement will see if it is financially feasible for both the city and General Motors.
- An update to the Master Sewer Plan is being performed. There are some stormwater overflows being monitored. The contract is up to $70,000 for the services, monitoring over 22 sites throughout the City of Bedford.
- Tabled the request for final payment to King’s Trucking.
- John Williams Boulevard and Beech Street consulting with LPA was approved. The amount of the contract is not to exceed $207,000. This will be a 90/10 matching grant on the Roundabout project.