(UNDATED) – On Friday, a “Back To Work” Rally has been organized at 1:30 p.m. on the south lawn of the Indiana Statehouse.
Robert Hall, of Bloomington, is the Leader of Indiana Conservative Alliance and Grassroots Conservatives. He attended a previous rally on April 18th at the Governor’s Mansion.
“Approximately 400 attended the rally at the Governor’s residence, with 200 vehicles,” Hall stated. “After a successful rally on April 18th, we find it important to hold a second rally during his news conference on Friday. “
“I will be attending the rally on Friday with a group in two vehicles heading up to Indianapolis to take part,” Hall added.
Below are several of the reasons Hall states for stopping the shutdown:
- The shutdown has wrecked and crippled the state economy; it is a fiasco causing a recession and possibly a depression.
- It is unconstitutional and unlawful — it violates freedom of assembly and religion.
- It destroys and ruins lives — mental health, suicides, unemployment, savings, bankruptcies, poverty, loss of business, inflation.
- The policy is based on faulty flawed models, inaccurate data, and unsupported facts.
- It prevents herd immunity and delays natural immunity.
- Most patients have mild or moderate symptoms and recover in a few weeks.
- COVID-19 is not as deadly as they say; an actual number of deaths is less than projected.
- It is de facto martial law; tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people; freedom is making your own choices based on risk factors.
- Media hype is a hoax causing irrational panic.
- We now have promising treatment with hydroxychloroquine and Z-pak, which is curing patients within days; if you are at risk, then self-quarantine.
Hall went on to state that Governor Eric Holcomb has violated the 1st Amendment rights of the Constitution of the United States, as well as violated the Indiana Constitution of Indiana Article 1 Section 26. The operation of the laws shall never be suspended, except by the authority of the General Assembly.
Hall went on to say that the Governor is the only one that can call a Special Session of the General Assembly which has given him the power to act without checks and balances.
“This is the first time we quarantined healthy people instead of those that are sick,” Hall stated.
Indiana State Representatives Jim Lucas – Republican District 69, Christy Stutzman – Republican District 49, Christopher Judy – Republican District 83, and J.D. Prescott – Republican District 83 wrote Governor Holcomb expressing concerns over the executive orders implemented to stop the spread of COVID-19 on April 20, 2020.
The letter expressed concerns that the orders have had a negative effect on 6.7 million Hoosiers. It is also asking the governor to open the economy and get Indiana back to work.
Governor Eric Holcomb says he is working “around the clock” on a plan to reopen the state. He will make his announcement on Friday afternoon before the current stay at home order expires.
“The plan will reflect a new normal for Indiana,” Governor Holcomb added. “We will build into that all the new ways that we must safely live, work, and play so that we can continue this progress.”
Holcomb defended his administration against protestors who have been critical of the restrictions imposed on the public; restrictions that he says are constitutional.
Simon Properties Group plans on opening 11 malls in Indiana. Retailers at these properties were given the choice to re-open for business.
In the press conference Tuesday, Gov. Holcomb mentioned he spoken to the CEO of Simon Property Group and he doesn’t know any further details. Governor Holcomb would use the time between Tuesday and Friday to make sure that reopening is properly thought through.