(INDIANAPOLIS) – Indiana Department of Revenue (DOR) Commissioner Adam Krupp concluded his statewide listening tour last week. He traveled over 1,650 miles to talk openly with Hoosier tax practitioners about DOR operations and introduced Project NextDOR, the multi-year modernization of the agency’s current tax processing system.
The tour included stops at each of DOR’s 12 district offices where the Commissioner also shared program updates and introduced INTIME, the agency’s new, 24/7 online portal set to launch on September 3.
“Having a direct, face-to-face conversation to introduce Project NextDOR and our new system not only allowed practitioners to ask questions and get immediate answers, but the discussion ensured everyone was on the same page concerning expectations for our service offerings,” said Commissioner Krupp.
“Our entire DOR team has worked diligently to prepare for this first rollout – everything from system design to employee training and user readiness. With each of the subsequent rollouts, taxpayers and practitioners will enjoy additional benefits and features of our new system.”
Cities visited on the tour included Bloomington, Clarksville, Columbus, Evansville, Ft. Wayne, Indianapolis, Kokomo, Lafayette, Merrillville, Muncie, South Bend and Terre Haute.
“Meeting with tax professionals and those who rely on our services on a daily basis to discuss how DOR has applied their direct feedback to the transformation of our agency has been invaluable,” said Commissioner Krupp. “We want Hoosiers to know we’re listening and striving to answer Governor Holcomb’s call to deliver great government service.”
The Commissioner and his executive team will be touring the state again in the spring of 2020. For updates on DOR news, visit www.in.gov/dor and subscribe to the Tax Bulletin e-newsletter.
For more information regarding Project NextDOR, visit ProjectNextDOR.dor.in.gov.