(BLOOMINGTON) – Engineering projects being overseen by Bloomington’s Planning and Transportation department continue, entailing traffic restrictions as follows:
North Jordan Avenue between 10th and 7th Streets continues to be closed to traffic to allow the City of Bloomington Utilities Department (CBU) to replace an existing 6” cast iron water main with a new 12” water main. Work is progressing despite the inclement weather and the road is scheduled to reopen on or before June 28.
The Street Division is installing new sidewalk in the 1500-1600 block of East Maxwell Street in coordination with CBU, which is installing a new water main on South Mitchell Street, adjacent to the sidewalk project. Lane restrictions are in place along East Maxwell.
The Clarizz Boulevard and Moores Pike Pedestrian Crosswalk Project has been completed. This project has installed a signalized pedestrian crosswalk designed to increase visibility and safety for pedestrian traffic in the area.
17th Street Reconstruction Project to add pedestrian infrastructure and roadway improvements along the busy corridor is scheduled for completion by the fall of 2019. This work requires a full closure of West 17th Street. All through traffic, including pedestrians, must use an alternate route due to safety concerns. More information about the project can be found at https://bloomington.in.gov/engineering/projects/17th
Construction of the missing gap in the existing multi-use path along the north side of 2nd/Bloomfield Road between Adams Street and Patterson Drive continues with the installation of sidewalks and curb ramps at the intersection of S. Patterson Dr. and W. 2nd St. This project will construct a multi-use path along the north side of W. 2nd St/W. Bloomfield Rd. from S. Patterson Dr. to S. Adams St. It will also construct improvements for the signalized intersections of W. Bloomfield Rd. at S. Landmark Ave. and W. 2nd Street at S. Patterson Dr. The federally-funded project is included in the Bloomington/Monroe County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). Construction completion is slated for fall 2019. More information about the Second & Bloomfield Multimodal Safety Project is available at https://bloomington.in.gov/engineering/projects/bloomfield