Beck’s Mill Seeking Supports from Friends During 2019 Membership Drive

(SALEM) – Beck’s Mill is seeking support from their “friends” with their yearly membership drive for the 2019 season.

Memberships provide entrance to the mill, surrounding buildings, and trails through the 2019 season. Memberships cost $10 for age 17 through college, $20 for individuals and $30 for a family membership.
Membership applications are available at or mail check to P.O. Box 288, Salem, IN 47167 (include name(s) DOB’s, mailing address and phone.
Lifetime memberships are also available. Age 60 and under cost $150, age 61 and over if $100 for an individual and $250 for a family.
The mill is also hoping for help in purchasing benches from the Salem High School science class. The benches are made from plastic bottle caps that are being collected. The benches are built at a cost of $250. Please contact Jack Mahuron at 812-883-5335 or Raymond Lee at 812-883-4009 for more information or to contribute or sponsor a bench.
Beck’s Mill opens Saturday, April 6th, for the year.
The mill hours have changed for the 2019 season. Saturday will now be open 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday hours are 1 to 4 p.m. Adult admission is $5. Children age 16 and under are admitted free with a paid adult admission. Please Note – the mill no longer accept Credit/Debit Cards – Cash/Check only.
The mill will be closed Easter Sunday, April 21st.
The Mill
After setting idle for more than 50 years the little grist mill south of Salem, is now churning out a product that once made it famous.
Beck’s Mill Historic GristmillThe Old Mill sat idle and was a sad reminder to the lifestyle of our pioneering ancestors. The mill’s mechanical and structural elements were deteriorating. Rodents chewed away at the huge timbers of the main frame structure while floor boards rotted away from moisture damage. The mill structure was unsafe to enter and unfortunately with such a unique historic structure sitting empty vandals pilfered some interior furnishings and equipment.
Then came hope for the future.
In 2005 a group participating in the Awareness Washington County (AWC), a Washington County leadership development program, decided to explore the possibility of restoring the Mill. As a tribute to the determination of the members and their understanding of the importance of saving such a unique landmark their efforts yielded positive results where others had failed during the 50 years prior.
The AWC group coordinated efforts with the current property owners of the mill (several members of the Beck family) to take ownership of the landmark and chart a new course for the restoration and continued preservation of the mill. The leadership of this group established a new direction as a non-profit organization. This non-profit organization was established as the Friends of Beck’s Mill Inc. and their mission would be to present to the public a working grist mill as an accurate recreation of pioneer life in Washington County, Indiana.
For the first time in more than 50 years, the future of the mill begins to turn around.
While the determination of the volunteers of the newly formed Friends of Beck’s Mill Inc. was evident their ability to locate funding to complete such a large restoration project was uncertain. Bill and Gayle Cook, along with son Carl realized the historic significance of Beck’s Mill to Washington County after learning about the efforts to save Beck’s Mill. Bill and Gayle Cook founded Cook Group in 1963 in Bloomington, Indiana and their philanthropic efforts have touched the lives of Hoosier’s all across Indiana. In 2006, the Cook family graciously offered to assist the group in their effort to reclaim the Mill. With the efforts of Pritchett Brothers performing the restoration services in partnership with Ridgway Architecture the future of Beck’s Mill had finally changed for the better.
A bright new future for an Old Mill.
In 2008 Beck’s Mill was returned in restored and operational condition to the directors of the Friends of Beck’s Mill, Inc. Beck’s Mill is operated solely by the efforts of an all-volunteer staff and the leadership of Friends of Beck’s Mill, Inc. continues to enhance the visitor experience to Beck’s Mill every year as numerous new events are planned every season.
