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Mad-Cow Like Disease Found In Deer Creeping Closer To Indiana

Last updated on Thursday, November 30, 2017

(UNDATED) - A “mad cow”-like disease found in deer is creeping closer to Indiana.

FOX59 News reports, chronic wasting disease attacks the brains of deer, causing dementia-like symptoms and eventually leading to death.

Now some scientists nationally are saying evidence is growing that like mad cow, it's possible the disease can spread to humans.

Dr. Joe Caudell, Indiana Department of Natural Resource's state deer research biologist told Deanna Allbrittin of FOX59 News there's never been any documented transmission to humans, there is some new evidence that shows that at least officials should be a little more concerned about watching for the disease.

Caudell is in charge of monitoring the state's deer population and diseases that may be infecting it.

He says the disease slowly spread across Michigan and Illinois for more than a decade. This year, it just 20 to 25 miles from the Illinois-Indiana border.

Since deer can't be forced to abide by manmade state lines, Caudell says they've stepped up their surveillance in Newton, Benton and southern Lake counties, where deer with the disease in Illinois are closest.

As deer season winds down​, Indiana DNR is encouraging hunters to plan ahead to take their game by check stations where DNR staff can check for a list of diseases, including CWD.

In Michigan​​, nearly a dozen cases of CWD have been caught over the past two years using this method, helping identify the regions of contamination and preventing hunters from taking contaminated meat home.

In Indiana, it will help them catch the spread of the disease into the state as early as possible.

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