Brought to you by WBIW News and Network Indiana
Last updated on Wednesday, August 3, 2016
(INDIANAPOLIS) - The Indiana Department of Transportation announced today that the agency has received 1,592 applications for matching grant funds to support local road and bridge improvement projects from 325 communities across Indiana.
Earlier this year the Indiana General Assembly and Governor Mike Pence enacted HEA1001, which created the local road and bridge matching grant program. The program, titled Community Crossings, provides state matching funds for local road bridge projects.
Projects that are eligible for funding through Community Crossings include road resurfacing, bridge rehabilitation, road reconstruction, resurfacing, and Americans with Disabilities Act compliance in connection with road projects. Material costs for chip sealing and crack filling operations are also eligible for funds.
INDOT's regional offices are reviewing all applications based on need, traffic volume, local support, the impact on connectivity and mobility within the community, and regional economic significance. Communities receiving funds will be notified by the end of this month.
Funding will be awarded based on a 50/50 match. For example, a county that is awarded a grant for a resurfacing project that is estimated to cost $1 million would receive $500,000 in funding from the State with the County providing the other $500,000.
INDOT expects to announce the next opportunity for communities to apply for matching grant funds through Community Crossings in early 2017.
More information about Community Crossings is online at
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