Brought to you by WBIW News and Network Indiana
Last updated on Wednesday, February 3, 2016
(RICHMOND) - An eastern Indiana man who was one of four co-defendants in a teenager’s fatal beating has received a 58-year sentence.
The judge who sentenced 20-year-old Deandre Plant on Monday also ordered him to serve three years of probation following his release.
The Richmond man was convicted of murder in December in the May 2014 killing Caleb Woosley, who was beaten to death with aluminum baseball bats. His sentence is the longest continuous sentence of the case's four co-defendants.
The Palladium-Item reports ( ) Wayne County Judge Charles Todd Jr. said he considered Plant's criminal history but gave significant weight to the nature and circumstances of Woosley's killing.
Todd said Woosley's fatal beating "was savage and brutal" and a senseless, violent act that showed no regard for human life.
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