Brought to you by WBIW News and Network Indiana
Last updated on Saturday, October 19, 2013
(INDIANAPOLIS) - A new report that 182,000 low-income residents could go without health insurance is refocusing attention on whether Indiana will win an exception to expand Medicaid using the Healthy Indiana Plan.
The Kaiser Family Foundation reported this week that twenty-eight percent of the state's uninsured residents fall in that "gap" between Medicaid coverage and subsidized insurance through the federal exchange.
Gov. Mike Pence won a one-year extension of Indiana's state-run alternative to Medicaid this past summer. But negotiations with the federal government for an expansion of the plan were pushed back.
Covering Kids and Families of Indiana Executive Director David Roos said he is hopeful the state will secure an expansion. He points out the uninsured residents in the "gap" detailed by Kaiser will still need health care
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