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Finding Wellness in The Forest - IU Health Partners with Hoosier National Forest in pilot program

Last updated on Friday, July 13, 2018

(BEDFORD) - The Hoosier National Forest and IU Health Bloomington Hospital have signed a partnership agreement to create a “Health and Public Lands” pilot program.

The goals of the program are to provide therapeutic nature-based experiences for community members on National Forest System lands, and strengthen community ties to public lands.

Planning will soon be underway for six "wellness outings," which include a medical professional to guide participants in a nature experience, such as walking a trail at the Forest Service's Hardin Ridge Recreation Area, near Bloomington. In addition, IU Health team members will have the opportunity to volunteer in the pilot program on the Hoosier National Forest, exposing them to the health benefits of nature, while giving them the opportunity to provide health and wellness education to the U.S. Forest Service staff.

The partnership aims to fulfill certain goals of both organizations. Two major goals for the U.S. Forest Service are to strengthen communities and connect people to the outdoors. The agency recognizes the critical importance of working with community-based partners to support the interdependence of National Forest System lands and neighboring gateway communities. The cooperative community wellness projects delivered by IU Health and the U.S. Forest Service could enrich the economic, environmental, and social benefits that National Forest System lands deliver to communities, specifically Hoosier National Forest lands. These benefits include quality of life, personal wellness, understanding of the interdependence of healthy ecosystems and community wellbeing. The Hoosier National Forest, with public lands in nine counties in Indiana, has the potential to serve as a premier destination for such outings and services.

IU Health recognizes the importance of National Forest System lands to provide inspiring settings to achieve personal health-related goals and enhance an individual's sense of purpose during recovery and/or treatment. With the program, physicians can recommend wellness outings to patients who would benefit from outdoor experiences, including those with a mental health diagnosis, chronic disease, physical disabilities, those recovering from surgery and at-risk youth.

"Stacy Duke, our District Recreation and Wilderness Manager, spearheaded this partnership initiative to reach out to the local community, and we are really looking forward to working with IU Health to bring the benefits of nature experiences to those most in need," said Mike Chaveas, Forest Supervisor.

Upcoming brochures, website updates and press releases will provide more specifics on the pilot program, which is expected to be up and running this fall.

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