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Judah Heritage Festival Pageant Facilitates Growth, Positive Relationships

Last updated on Thursday, May 31, 2018

(JUDAH) - The Judah Heritage Festival Scholarship Pageant and Little Miss Pageant facilitates growth and positive relationships as the girls in the Queen Pageant are paired up with Little Miss Pageant girls in 3rd - 5th grade as mentors.

"I have a couple of them that are setting up play dates way before anything starts... and they're going to get together and get ice cream. Really its just to make them feel comfortable.... They go over interviews with them and help them to be less nervous. And I feel like it helps the bigger girls too, because they say it out loud so much to the little one, they start to believing it themselves! You know, it keeps them positive," said Machida. "They mentor them, help them with theme wear ideas - some of them even help them get ready the day of their pageant."

The pageant's theme is "More Than Just a Princess" where contestants will pick a princess, fictional or real, and portray how they think their chosen princess would act in public and how she would lead. To go along with that theme, Machida has planned a Tea Party.

"The tea party is just a casual get together where I am letting them dress up as their princesses. And they will be with their buddy, or big sister all day during that. And its just kind of one more way to let us get their nerves out and get to know the other girls," said Machida.

Both competitions will feature interviews, formal wear and theme wear portions that are to be judged. The queen pageant will also be judged on their ability to answer an on stage question. According to Machida, the judges are looking for poise, the ability to converse with people, how well they represent themselves, confidence levels and great answers.

"Its just who is outstanding among this already outstanding group of girls. That's what I try to tell them - its not that you guys are losers in the end. I tell them they are all stars, and this one shined the brightest. I tell them this every year," Machida said.

The 2017 Judah Heritage Festival Pageant Queen, Alivia Mackey, said that her participation in the pageant has taught her many things. "I've learned that its not as rewarding to be in the spot light as it is to give back... It has been a great opportunity for me to get my foot in the door to get involved and learn to serve other people," said Alivia.

Just like in past years, the participants in each pageant have been given the opportunity to fundraise for Lawrence Co. Cancer Patient Services, an all volunteer organization with no paid members that works to assist cancer patients who reside in Lawrence County, Indiana if insurance or another source is not available.

"They're all really excited about that - I mean - who isn't affected by cancer? They ask me, "What can I do? What are ideas?" We tell them, "The sky is the limit." "Be creative.""

The pageant will take place at the Little Theatre of Bedford June 19th and is open to the public free of charge. The Queen and Little Miss will be crowned on the Judah Heritage Festival main stage June 21st at 6 p.m.

Find more information on the Judah Heritage Festival Scholarship Pageant Facebook page.

2018 Judah Heritage Festival Queen Pageant Contestants

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2018 Judah Heritage Festival Little Miss Pageant Contestants

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