Brought to you by WBIW News and Network Indiana
Last updated on Tuesday, May 2, 2017
(SALEM) - Duke Energy’s Washington County Government and Community Relations Manager Bruce Calloway presented a check for $20,318 to the Bradie Shrum Lower Elementary School Principal, Brent Minton, for the school’s Super Summer Reading Camp.
According to a news release, Bradie Shrum Elementary School and Duke Energy are partnering to take on the summer loss that can plague students during the summer with less reading instruction.
The camp is made possible through this Duke Energy summer reading grant, which will allow BSE to provide additional learning opportunities for students entering grades 1-3 in the fall of 2017.
Through this grant, students will receive additional individualized instruction and attention under the direction of a teacher and a teacher's assistant for four weeks. At the end of the program, students will receive a book bag full of books to take home to read throughout the rest of the summer.
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