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23 Conservative Activists Protest Outside Rep. Todd Young's Office

Last updated on Thursday, June 18, 2015

(BLOOMINGTON) - 23 conservative activists in Bloomington protested outside Representative Todd Young’s office at Room 114, 320 West 8th Street in Bloomington Wednesday to urge him to live under the law, Obamacare, like every other American must.

The group gathered at noon at 320 West 8th Street, Room 114, to protest this Congressional exemption from Obamacare.

"Congress currently enjoys a special exemption from Obamacare that no other Americans have. Members of Congress and their staffers are illegally taking a taxpayer-funded subsidy to pay for their health insurance, even though under the law, they are not eligible for these subsidies," says Robert Hall.

The Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as "Obamacare," requires Congress to participate in one of the Washington, DC Obamacare exchanges. The law also states that large employers (defined as 50 or more employees) are not permitted to provide subsidies to their employees on an exchange. Congressional staffers, not wanting to lose their attractive subsidies ($5,000 for an individual and nearly $11,000 for staffers enrolled in family plans), decided to define Congress as a small business. Small businesses are legally allowed to provide subsidies.

"Congress lied on its application to the small business exchange in order to keep a taxpayer-funded benefit they are legally no longer allowed to take. As Americans struggle with the effects of Obamacare, Congress has no business cheating, lying, and sneaking around the law to avoid feeling the impact of the law. If it's good enough for Americans, it's good enough for Congress."

The group gathered at noon at 320 West 8th Street, Room 114, to protest this Congressional exemption from Obamacare.

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