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County To Take Over Care Of Roadways In Stone Crest Golf Community

Last updated on Wednesday, November 6, 2013

(BEDFORD) - The Lawrence County Commissioners Tuesday morning voted to take over the care of roadways in the Stone Crest Golf Community.

The golf community, on 540 acres just west of State Road 37 on Bennett Lane, is about 10 minutes from Bedford and Bloomington.

The commissioners agreed the county would take over the care and snow removal for the roadways, but Limestone Ventures, LLC will continue to be responsible for maintaining the right-of-ways, pay for and maintain the street lights, storm sewers and sewage treatment plant and the landscaping.

They also agreed that within a five year period to either create a through road or a cul-de-sac at the end of Summer Lake Drive.

County officials also discussed placing a three way stop sign at the entrance of the community.

In other business:

*Mark Heirbrant of Architura, gave the commissioners an update on the heating and cooling units to be installed in the courthouse. Heirbrant says he is working closely with Ameresco, the firm who will be replacing the more than 100 windows at the courthouse.

The renovations will be paid using $1 million from the sale of Dunn Memorial Hospital and $1 million from the county's Rainy Day fund with a speculation - that $500,000 will be paid back at $100,000 each year from Cum-Cap.

Heirbarnt told the commissioners that they have requested six bids for the heating and cooling unit project but only expect to receive four on the project.

He plans to have another update for the commissioners at the November 19th meeting.

* Lawrence County Project Manager Bob Dillon requested that the commissioners accept the bid from CLR for $126,850 for bridge 70 on Mount Pleasant Road.

Dillon says the goal is to take the 3-section bridge on Mount Pleasant Road and re-align and make it a one-span bridge eliminating the piers that catch all kinds of debris.

Currently Dillon is working on securing the property to do that. Crews will build a new bridge beside the old bridge, keeping the road open during construction. Then when the new bridge is completed the old bridge will be demolished.

Dillon reported that work on the Otis Park Bridge is continuing. Crews have half of the flooring complete and had to replace four of the 8 beams on the bridge because they had corroded from the use of salt and brine used for snow removal. Crews will replacing the decking with a chip and seal decking that will add additional protection from the chemicals.

* Sheriff Sam Craig says there are 144 inmates housed at the jail, of those 30 were female and none were Department of Correction inmates.

Craig also asked permission to put a VHF antenna on the tower near the jail. The placement will provide free internet to the jail and assist with the VHF radios reception when the radios go digital.

* Highway Superintendent David Holmes reported that crews are finishing up mowing and continue to cut brush. They are also finishing up paving projects and preparing vehicles for snow removal.

* County Treasurer Paula Stewart asked permission to purchase an internet tool from the state that will help the treasurer's and assessor's office in researching mobile home titles. Now under a new state law, all mobile homes must have a title. The fee for the service is $95.

Stewart says there are about 24,000 mobile homes in Lawrence County of those only half have titles.

* Lawrence County Veterans Service Officer Brad Bough submitted his October monthly report. Officials conducted 104 interviews; filed 47 claims and applications for veterans, their spouses, widows and children; provided information and counseling services for 18 individuals; attended 2 veteran meetings; filed 11 power of attorneys; conducted one interview at a home, nursing home or hospital; traveled 63 miles; received 91 incoming calls and 33 outgoing calls.

Baugh attended:

* The commissioner meeting on Oct. 8

* The Board meeting of the American Red Cross

* A luncheon meeting at the Bloomington VA Clinic

* Visited Berta's Mission as an outreach to those who assist veterans

* A meeting of the Disabled American Veterans Bedford Chapter 2

* The commissioners meeting on Oct. 22 in reference to veterans filing DD-214 forms

* Outreach meeting with Veteran's Employment Officers at WorkOne

* A meeting of the American Red Cross Hoosier Hills Chapter

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