Brought to you by WBIW News and Network Indiana
Last updated on Monday, September 16, 2013
(UNDATED) - Join the White River RC&D Forestry Committee on Friday, September 27th for their annual Stump to Product Tour.
Participants will spend an educational day learning about forest management and tour two local forest product businesses - Kimball Manufacturing and Hacker's Sawmill and then visit the Rosenbaum Woodlands.
This year's tour features forests and industries in Washington and Orange Counties. The tour starts at 8:45 a.m. in the Kimball Office parking lot in Salem. After a tour of the manufacturing facilities and learning about the variety of furniture produced from sustainable forest wood, the group will carpool to Hacker's Sawmill.
Hacker Sawmill produces 2.4 million board feet of products annually from grade lumber and railroad ties to mulch and wood chips. After touring their operation, the group will take a break for lunch at a diner in Salem.
After lunch the tour travels to the Rosenbaum Woodlands northwest of Campbellsburg where foresters will discuss the woodland area. The property became infested with emerald ash borer and was recently marked and harvested to remove all ash trees, as a result the group can view the remaining woodland after the timber sale.
Registration for the tour is $12 which includes lunch. School-aged children are invited as well. You may register by calling 812-723-3311, ext 3; or send in your registration to White River RC&D, 573 SE Main St, Paoli, IN 47454.
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