Brought to you by WBIW News and Network Indiana
Last updated on Tuesday, September 3, 2013
(BEDFORD) - A domestic dispute, which apparently escalated when the wife threw molasses on her husband, resulted in the man being arrested and charged with a Class D felony.
The incident happened Thursday night.
The Leader Democrat reports that 52-year-old Hugh Maddix Jr., of Grandview Road in Salem, was arrested on a charge of domestic battery with a child present last.
According to Washington County Sheriff Deputy Ryan Larrimore, Maddix and his wife were arguing and she told police he became more and more angry. She told police Maddix pushed her and that is when she threw molasses on him and he then punched her in the nose, bloodying it and knocking off her glasses.
Maddix, however, told police he did not punch his wife, but did knock her glasses off and that is how she must've gotten the bloody nose. He also told police his wife bit him and showed officers red marks on his arm.
The couple's 12-year-old child witnessed the altercation.
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