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Medora To Increase Sewer Rates

Last updated on Saturday, May 19, 2012

(MEDORA) - Residents of Medora may soon find an additional $ 4 charge on their sewer bill.

Aubrey Woods of the The Tribune reports, Town Council President Robert Thompson says the sewer fund losing money and the only solution is to increase the bill by $4 per customer.

Thompson says the state has issued mandates that the town must meet and that is costly. The town has made a few repairs, but more will have to be done.

Before the rates can be increased, Town attorney Mark Risser says the city must pass an ordinance and have public meetings about the increase.

Recycling needs

Debbie Hackman, director of Jackson County Solid Waste Management District, say Rumpke of Indiana has agreed to pick up recyclables every two weeks at a cost of $2 per household or $800, based upon the estimated 400 or so residences in town. The town recently had been funding its own recycling pickup program but ended that program because of a lack of manpower.

Hackman says the district could give the town $400 a month to help with recycling, which is the same amount Brownstown and Crothersville receive.

Thompson says if the town could be awarded a larger grant, the town's two employees could go back to picking up recyclables. However Hackman says the District is already funding the bins for the recycling program and didn't have the funding to do more.

Tompson says the town will continue to look for other option to fund the project.

Thompson also reported that the town's annual cleanup day would be held Saturday and would begin at 8 a.m.

Rumpke of Indiana will provide two Dumpsters for the event.

Park board to reform

Town Marshal Steve Ingle reported he had the names of five people willing to serve on the town's park board. They are: Sam Huffman, Greg Barnett and Chris Martin, representing the town; and Sharon Ingle and Todd Baughman, representing Carr Township. All five are connected with the Carr Township Fire Department and have an interest in getting the park back in shape. The board plans to meet the second Tuesday of each month.

Thompson says he would like to meet with the board and talk about the council's expectation for the park.

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