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State Police Investigate 'Grandparent Scam'

Last updated on Thursday, January 27, 2011

(BLOOMINGTON, IN) - Indiana State Police were called to investigate yet another scam of a grandparent being bilked out of thousands of dollars by someone posing as their grandchild.

The most recent case involves a couple in northern Ripley County.

The victim reported she received a call from her "grandson" saying he had been involved in a crash in a foreign country and had been drinking.

The impostor stated he was in jail and needed money for bail.

The loving grandmother sent two substantial amounts of money to Canada totaling over $11,000 only to find out days later she had been scammed.

If you receive a call like this, write down the number from your caller I.D. and verify who you are talking to by asking personal questions only the real person would know the answers to.

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