“Dining With Diabetes” offered by Lawrence County Extension

LAWRENCE CO. – The Dining with Diabetes program is a positive and proactive approach in reducing the effects of diabetes.

Studies have shown with the proper diet and modest, consistent physical activity type 2 diabetes can be delayed, controlled, or even prevented.

A team of eight Health and Human Sciences – Extension educators including Lawrence County Extension Educator Sarah Richer, offered a virtual “Dining With Diabetes.

The program included 18 participants with a total outreach of 64 direct contacts. The participants received 360 minutes of direct diabetes education.

The Dining with Diabetes curriculum reflects current advances in diabetes nutritional education and also takes into today’s busy lifestyle.

Recipes utilized throughout the curriculum have fewer and less expensive ingredients and are prepared with less fat and sodium.

The utilization of artificial sweeteners in combination with limited amounts of sugar is emphasized to reduce overall carbohydrates and calories.

The Dining with Diabetes program was offered as four weekly virtual sessions. A virtual food demonstration was included in each lesson. The participants learned about ways to improve their health and well-being, gained knowledge about eating more healthy, foods, and reported an intention to increase physical activity, reduce sedentary time in their lives.

For future inquires about this program, contact Sarah Richer, rincher@purdue.edu. Lawrence County Extension is hoping to offer the Dining with Diabetes program again in Lawrence County.

In addition to this program, Lawrence County Extension provided over 145 sessions from April -June 2021. A total of 3,099 participated in these programs.

Some of the programs offered include:

  • Lawrence County 3rd Grade Virtual Ag Day – 18 sessions with 542 particpants
  • Babysitting SPARK Club – 3 sessons with 14 particpants
  • Dining with Diabetes – 4 sessions with 64 particpants
  • CATCH My Breath, E-Cigarettes-JUUL Prevention – 24 sessions with 540 particpants
  • Eat Smart, Move more (ESSM) Lessons – 26 sessions – with 341 particpants

To find out more about programs and education contact the Lawrence County Extension Office at 812-275-4623.