Nativity Scene Will Go Up This Christmas Season After A Stay Was Issued

(BROWNSTOWN) – The nativity scene that has been placed for years at the Jackson County Courthouse will go up this year after the 7th Circuit of Appeals issued a stay order in the case.

In May 1, 2020 , Southern District of Indiana Judge Tanya Walton Pratt ruled the display violated the civil rights of Seymour resident Rebecca Woodring and needed to be removed.

The law firm Liberty Counsel, who is representing Jackson County in the case, filed an appeal saying the ruling unconstitutional.

On October 9, 2020, Jackson County asked for an motion to stay the final judgment pending the appeal and requested expedited consideration allowing the nativity scene to be displayed.

Many show up in support of the display in December 2018

“The stay is appropriate in favor of the county, and we are happy to be able to put up the display as this works through the legal system on appeal,” said Jackson County Commissioner Drew Markel.

The legal expenses for this case are not costing Jackson County taxpayers, said Markel.

In December of 2018 a rally was held in support of the display

Rebecca Woodring, of Seymour, is being represented by the American Civil Liberties Union. The question of the nativity scene started in December of 2018 when the county was challenged about the display.

The nativity scene is owned by the local ministerial association and is placed on the courthouse lawn along with other holiday displays.