North Lawrence Community Schools Scheduled To Start Aug 13


(BEDFORD) – North Lawrence Community Schools Superintendent Dr. Ty Mungle asked the school board to delay the start of school this year until August 13, 2020.

The first day for teachers will be August 7, 2020. The teachers will receive a stipend to work three additional (6 hour) teacher days.

“The extra days will help buildings to become more unified in reopening procedures to safely welcome the students,” said Mungle.

Mungle also noted that this extra time will allow teachers to prepare their classrooms, collaborate with grade level and district teams around curriculum and also offer training to better prepare teachers should the need arise for all students to go virtual.

BNL High School welcome week begins next week.

  • Monday – Freshman (scheduled sessions with evening option available)
  • Tuesday – Seniors
  • Wednesday – Juniors
  • Thursday – Sophomores
  • Friday – Any Grade

Elementary and Middle school open houses will be on Wednesday, August 12th from 3:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.

This year 462 students signed up for the Empire Virtual Learning program. Students will be allowed to transfer between the virtual and in-school programs for a specified period of time.

At the start of the school year, high school students will be given a period of two weeks to decide which they prefer between the two formats. Elementary school students will be given a period of five days to decide between the two formats.

Empire Virtual students will be allowed to take part in sports as well as other extra-curricular activities.

Parents and students can expect that the virtual format will look a lot different than they way it was this past spring as students will now have some expectations in completing course work.

For additional details visit the North Lawrence Community Schools website.