State Sen. Eric Koch To Vice-Chair Judiciary Study Committee

(INDIANAPOLIS) — State Sen. Eric Koch (R-Bedford) will serve as vice-chair of the Interim Study Committee on Courts and the Judiciary during the summer and fall to help shape policy for the 2021 legislative session.

As vice-chair, Sen. Koch and the Interim Study Committee on Courts and the Judiciary are tasked with reviewing requests for new courts, magistrates or judges; as well as the most recent weighted caseload measurement system report to determine whether the number of courts or judicial officers in an identified county need to be decreased. The committee will also consider whether Indiana should provide mutual full faith and credit to the judgments, decrees, orders, warrants, subpoenas, and other judicial acts of a tribal court of a federally recognized Indian tribe.

When Indiana’s part-time legislature is not in session, lawmakers serve on interim study committees that meet to review issues designated by the General Assembly during the prior legislative session. 

Study committee topics are assigned by the bipartisan Legislative Council, comprised of 16 voting members — eight from the Senate and eight from the House of Representatives.

To view interim committee agendas and stream hearings online, visit To view a list of topics that will be examined, click

Sen. Koch, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, serves Senate District 44, which includes all or parts of Bartholomew, Brown, Jackson, Lawrence and Monroe counties. He is an attorney with the law firm Koch & McAuley P.C., with offices in Bedford and Bloomington.